In anticipation of the Rosalind Franklin Lecture on 6 March, we spoke with 2025 Rosalind Franklin Lecture Medallist, science writer and broadcaster Dr Emma Byrne. In celebration of International Women’s Day, Emma will present the Rosalind Franklin Lecture on the subject of ‘The Amazing Science of Bad Language’ on 6 February 2025.
Hi Emma! In your Rosalind Franklin Lecture, you’ll be exploring the evolutionary origins of bad language. Why might profanity be useful to our survival?
One of the most astonishing bits of research I encountered when writing the book came from a chimpanzee adoption study. An extended family of chimpanzees spontaneously developed swearing. It showed that three things are sufficient to allow swearing to develop: a taboo, a word relating to that taboo, and an emotional state that you want to communicate. While we can never know for sure, my intuition is that swearing is a huge evolutionary advantage. It allows us to work together without physical violence – even in high-stress situations where conflict may be inevitable!
Is there a difference in how men and women are perceived when they swear?
The difference is largely one of perception. In British English, women tend to swear as much as men (albeit using slightly milder forms), but research shows that women are judged as more unpleasant, more unreliable, and more unlikeable than men when swearing. There’s a long history of who gets to swear, and much of it is about maintaining social hierarchies. Civility usually favours the status quo.
How do taboos around language change over time – especially for women?
It’s hard to predict what will be taboo, especially with the political upheavals we’re seeing in the USA. In the 1990s, as I came of age, many slurs became taboo, while body parts and bodily functions started to show up more in culture and conversation. While slurs haven’t exactly become swearwords, I’m nauseated to see these slurs being used – proudly and joyfully – by people who want women and minorities to shut the fuck up.
‘While slurs haven’t exactly become swearwords, I’m nauseated to see these slurs being used – proudly and joyfully – by people who want women and minorities to shut the fuck up.’
Dr Emma Byrne
What happens in the brain when we swear, and when we’re in pain?
Swearing is surprisingly widely distributed in the brain. When someone suffers damage to the left side of the brain they are likely to lose their ability to speak as a consequence. However, these same patients can, in highly emotional circumstances, produce really fluent swearing! We still aren’t entirely sure how swearing helps with pain, but we do know that it works. There is a limit – both in terms of how much longer people can withstand pain, and how much pain it works for. Studies show that, in times of extreme distress, even swearing deserts us.
Do all cultures swear in the same way, or are there fundamental differences in what is considered offensive?
Cultures vary widely in what is considered offensive. For example, in France, religious swearing (using God’s name in vain and variations thereof) is rarely used, whereas in French-speaking parts of Canada, religious swearing is common and highly offensive. Other cultures use names of animals and illnesses as really strong language. Local taboos shape local swearing.
Are you a humanist? What resonates with you about the humanist approach to life?
I’m definitely a humanist. The more I study the function and structure of human minds, the more I realise that we are shaped first and foremost by one another. We’re social animals, interdependent by nature. All we have is one another. ‘Think for yourself, act for everyone’ seems to me to be the only way we have ever progressed as a species.
Are there any Humanists UK campaigns that are close to your heart?
I support humanist marriage and particularly admire the work of humanist celebrants, who understand our deep and abiding need for collective joy and collective grief. Having a caring and compassionate person who can help to mark births, marriages and deaths with loved ones, and without religion, is hugely important.

The Amazing Science of Bad Language, with Dr Emma Byrne | The Rosalind Franklin Lecture 2025
6 March 2025, 19:30
This event is now closed.
About Emma Byrne
Emma is an honest-to-goodness robot scientist who, when she’s not developing intelligent systems, writes for Forbes, the FT and the Guardian. She frequently appears on Sky News and the BBC talking about the future of artificial intelligence and robotics. Her PhD in Artificial Intelligence (UCL 2004) led to a research career that spans projects as disparate as modelling the neural circuits that underlie language acquisition to teaching a robot how to run experiments in yeast genomics.
Her interest in neuroscience led to her first popular science book: Swearing is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad Language. Her most recent book, How to Build a Human is a smart, funny, humane look at what science knows about childhood. It will reassure and inspire parents, would-be-parents, and even once-were-parents about the messy and beautiful process of parenting like a scientist. She recently appeared alongside Ardal O’Hanlan in Holy F*** (RTÉ), offering a scientific explanation of the joys of swearing.
About the Rosalind Franklin Lecture
Marking International Women’s Day, the Rosalind Franklin Lecture explores and celebrates the contribution of women towards the promotion and advancement of aspects of humanism in the UK and around the world. The Rosalind Franklin medallist has made a significant contribution in one of these fields.
The lecture and medal are named after Rosalind Franklin, humanist and scientist, whose contribution to science for many years went unacknowledged on account of her sex but who is today rightly celebrated.
Humanists UK is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. Powered by over 130,000 members and supporters, we advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies, pastoral care, education, and support services benefitting over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanist thinking on ethical issues, human rights, and equal treatment for all.