New poll shows every constituency backs assisted dying

16 October, 2024

A new multi-level regression and post-stratification (MRP) poll of 7,000 British adults has shown that in every constituency bar one, most people support legalising assisted dying for the terminally ill and incurably suffering. Humanists UK commissioned the poll from Electoral Calculus, and is releasing it to coincide with Kim Leadbeater’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. Today it said that MPs should back the law, and that the public want that law to allow terminally ill people to access an assisted death even when they are not in the last six months of their life.

The poll asked two questions:

In the first question, respondents were asked if they agreed or disagreed that assisted dying should be made legal for ‘adults who are intolerably suffering from an incurable condition and who wish to end their lives’. 74% of the public supported legalisation for the terminal and incurable, compared to just 6% opposed.

A second question describes the plight of someone who was suffering from advanced multiple sclerosis (MS) and has a clear and settled wish to die. It asks if it would be acceptable for a doctor to assist him to die. 73% of the public said it would be always or mostly acceptable, vs 9% saying rarely or never.

In every constituency, more people support than oppose assisted dying, and in 631 of the 632, most people support it. The only exception is Bradford West, which shows 49% support and 17% oppose – even there, the support is three times higher than the opposition.

In all 632 constituencies, a majority of people say it would be almost or mostly acceptable to allow the person suffering from MS the choice of an assisted death. The lowest level of support is Bradford West again, at 59%.

Kim Leadbeater MP MBE, the Labour MP for Spen Valley, is bringing a Private Member’s Bill on Choice at the End of Life which is having its First Reading today. This means the short and long title of the Bill are being announced. She has also announced the Bill will have its Second Reading on Friday 29 November. This will mark the first opportunity for MPs to debate and vote on assisted dying since 2015.

Humanists UK is supporting the Bill and hoping that unlike previous Bills that have failed, it will apply to all terminally ill people with no time limit.

Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, said:

‘These latest polling figures show again that the overwhelming majority of the British public supports the right to choose an assisted death. But they now also show the depth of that support – extending to every constituency bar one. The time has come for MPs to align with public opinion and offer those facing unimaginable suffering the dignity and choice they deserve at the end of life.

‘Kim Leadbeater’s Private Member’s Bill represents a crucial step forward in the campaign to introduce assisted dying in the UK. We commend her for giving voice to the millions who believe that the choice of when and how to die should rest with the individual, not the state. We will continue to stand alongside those advocating for a compassionate, humane, and rights-based approach to end-of-life care, and we urge MPs to reflect on the clear will of their constituents during the upcoming debate.’


For further comment or information, media should contact Nathan Stilwell at or phone 07456200033.

The poll of 7,208 British adults was commissioned by Humanists UK and carried out by Electoral Calculus on 4-7 October 2024.

If you have been affected by the current assisted dying legislation, and want to use your story to support a change in the law, please email

Media can use the following press images and videos, as long as they are attributed to ‘Humanists UK’.

Humanists defend the right of each individual to live by their own personal values, and the freedom to make decisions about their own life so long as this does not result in harm to others. Humanists do not share the attitudes to death and dying held by some religious believers, in particular that the manner and time of death are for a deity to decide, and that interference in the course of nature is unacceptable. We firmly uphold the right to life but we recognise that this right carries with it the right of each individual to make their own judgement about whether their life should be prolonged in the face of pointless suffering.

We recognise that any assisted dying law must contain strong safeguards, but the international evidence from countries where assisted dying is legal shows that safeguards can be effective. We also believe that the choice of assisted dying should not be considered an alternative to palliative care, but should be offered together as in many other countries.

Read six reasons we need an assisted dying law.

Read more about our analysis of the assisted dying inquiry

Read more about our campaign to legalise assisted dying in the UK.

Humanists UK is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. Powered by over 120,000 members and supporters, we advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies, pastoral care, education, and support services benefitting over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanist thinking on ethical issues, human rights, and equal treatment for all.