Millions of pounds spent by Church of England to evangelise school children

11 June, 2024

Last year the Church of England spent over £7 million on projects to evangelise children and young people through state schools. That’s according to the most recent Annual Report of the Church Commissioners for England. The report from the Commissioners, the charity overseeing how national Church of England funds are spent, details how funding through its Diocesan Investment Programme has been directed towards increasing youth ministers and ‘discipleship pathways’ in schools. 

Of the funding £3.3m was given to Guildford diocese to ‘place youth ministers in three Church of England secondary schools and one other state secondary school’, £2.8m went to Manchester ‘to reach more schools, children, young people and their families across Bolton deanery’, and £1.2m was provided to Portsmouth to ‘create new Christian communities in seven schools’.

This investment follows a 2023 report from the Church of England which set out its vision to ‘double the number of children and young people who are active Christian disciples by 2030’.

Humanists UK’s Education Campaigns Manager Lewis Young said: 

‘This latest report from the Church Commissioners further exposes the Church of England’s agenda to evangelise young people through the state school system. 

‘Schools should be inclusive of all students, and provide young people with a balanced and comprehensive education that enables them to think critically and make their own choices about their beliefs. They should not be used to bolster church numbers or convert people to a particular faith.’


For further comment or information, media should contact Humanists UK Director of Public Affairs and Policy Richy Thompson at or phone 0203 675 0959.

Read more about our work on faith schools.

Read the Church Commissioners report.

Read about the Church of England’s plans to use schools to ‘double the number of disciples’.

Add your name to stop evangelism in schools

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