Add your name to stop schools trying to convert children to their religion!

Evangelism, discrimination, and religious bias have an unhealthy grip on schools
The Church of England’s numbers are dwindling. In its own words, it is targeting schools to ‘double the number of children and young people who are active Christian disciples by 2030,‘ through ‘new models of church in schools, which provide opportunities for children and adults to develop their journey of faith, through well planned pathways to discipleship‘.
Non-religious (and non-Christian) children are being subjected to Christian evangelism in schools – which includes ghoulish American outfits visiting schools in Wales to exploit national tragedies in an attempt to convert children.
Elsewhere, thousands of kids are being bussed around to singalongs about ‘Jesus dying for our sins’, which were organised by their schools. And this is just a part of what’s happening in faith schools today.
Whilst out of their parents’ view, children have become an unwitting audience for evangelists, peddling creationism, homophobia, and anti-abortion ideologies to their young minds. It is outrageous!
Is this what you expect when we send our children to school? School time is precious time for education, not a space to force religious ideologies on pupils.
This happens because the church and faith institutions play a strong role in our education system. We don’t think it should!
ADD YOUR NAME to tell the Government to end this harmful practice in our schools
We need the Government to commit to making a big change. Will you help us by adding your name?
Even before they can go to school, thousands of children are actively discriminated against on the basis of religion, leaving some parents lying about their faith so that their child can get into their local school, even though it has a religious ethos that they don’t share.
Once enrolled, the child will be subject to daily collective worship and other proselytising activities.
Discrimination divides children based on faith, which worsens the prospects for those already facing disadvantage and perpetuates religious division in society.
Research shows in aching detail how some faith schools discriminate against racial minorities, poorer families, and children with disabilities and special needs – as well as families belonging to the non-religious majority. Children’s rights would be protected if not for special allowances made for faith schools that enable religious selection to leave thousands of children denied admission to their local schools.
Help us stop the dangerous role of church and faith institutions in education, so that every child in the UK:
- Learns without bias – non judgement about their beliefs includes humanism
- Is free to form their own belief – without pressure to convert them to a faith
- Attends a local school – if they wish, instead of denied admission exclusion based on faith
- Learns in a legal and safeguarded environment – there are a significant number of unregistered, illegal schools are operating throughout England, many of which are religious – we want an end to illegal schools
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