Humanists UK AGM: Strong humanist voice needed on climate issues

11 June, 2023

Members of Humanists UK voted at its AGM in Liverpool on Sunday to congratulate their fellow members and supporters who set up Humanist Climate Action as one of its networks, and endorse the work of the network in adding a humanist voice to public discussions and campaigns about climate change.

In 2019, Humanists UK committed, along with the rest of the global humanist movement, to ‘foster[ing] a social and political commitment to urgent action and long-term policymaking to mitigate and prevent climate change’ as part of Humanists International’s Reykjavik Declaration on the Climate Change Crisis.

In 2021, Humanists UK members and supporters created Humanist Climate Action, a volunteer-led network within Humanists UK committed to climate change activism under a humanist banner. This work is underpinned by a detailed policy platform of evidence-based, rational, and humanist approaches to a number of ethical and legal questions related to the global climate crisis.

Since then, Humanist Climate Action has been a positive force in public policy work and high-profile demonstrations on the climate, including around events such as COP26, COP27, and COP15. It has made recommendations to government on meeting biodiversity targets, expanding carbon sinks, action on plastic pollution, and embedding environmentalist principles in government,

Surveys by YouGov and others routinely show that climate change is one of the top issues for humanists and the non-religious more generally. Humanist Climate Action helps to make sure a distinctively humanist voice is represented in climate change debates, and networks its supporters with the wider civil society activism on the environment, including that of specialist environmental charities. It is currently leading on Humanists UK’s participation in the Climate Coalition’s letters to tomorrow campaign.

The climate crisis continues to have a large presence in Humanists UK’s events programme. The biodiversity crisis was the key theme of the 2023 Darwin Day Lecture – the charity’s most prestigious annual event – given by Professor Anjali Goswami. It had also been in 2020, a month prior to the pandemic, when Chris Packham lectured on the topic of ‘Evolution or extinction?’ Most recently, Humanist Climate Action held a permanent campaign stall throughout the Humanists UK Convention, where it also hosted Zion Lights for a fascinating discussion about clean energy policy in the UK.

Humanists UK Director of Public Affairs and Policy Richy Thompson said:

‘Humanists follow the science, and recognise the overwhelming evidence that humanity now faces a climate crisis of its own making. We remain a charity that is focused on advancing humanism, representing humanists, and promoting freedom of thought, choice, and expression in law and policy. And we’re proud to be able to support our members in making an unambiguously humanist case for stronger action on climate change.’


For further comment or information, media should contact Humanists UK Director of Public Affairs and Policy Richy Thompson at or phone 020 7324 3072 or 020 3675 0959.

Humanist Climate Action is a volunteer-led network of Humanists UK members and supporters committed to redefining lifestyles and campaigning for policies that promote low-carbon, ethical, and sustainable living in the light of the degeneration of the Earth’s climate and biodiversity. Humanists seek to engage in dialogue and debate rationally, intelligently, and with evidence, and promote the belief that humans are part of a wider natural world which must be treated sustainably for the sake of current and future generations.

Read more about the work of Humanist Climate Action.

Humanists UK is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. Powered by 100,000 members and supporters, we advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies, pastoral care, education, and support services benefitting over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanist thinking on ethical issues, human rights, and equal treatment for all.