Following on from the success of its ‘That’s Humanism!’ awareness campaign over March and April, the British Humanist Association (BHA) has made available for download four high-resolution copies of its popular video series.
That’s Humanism! was a specially commissioned project which aimed to spread awareness of humanist perspectives on essential life topics via social media. BHA Distinguished Supporter Stephen Fry lent his voice to the project, narrating four succinct and informative videos entitled ‘How do we know what is true?’, ‘What makes something right or wrong?’, ‘What should we think about death?’ and ‘How can I be happy?’.
The campaign succeeded in reaching hundreds of thousands of new people all over the world, and staff at the BHA received dozens of heartfelt thanks from individuals who were grateful to discover a community of like-minded people who similarly look to reason and empathy for ethical guidance.
BHA Head of Education and Promotion Sara Passmore, who managed the campaign, commented, ‘We were all blown away by the success of the videos, as well as of the series of inspirational images we shared each day over the month. It gives us great joy that we are now able to share these videos for download as well. I hope that people will enjoy having these videos, and will continue showing them to friends and family.’
The videos will also remain available to view on the BHA’s YouTube channel.
The British Humanist Association is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people who seek to live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity. It promotes a secular state and equal treatment in law and policy of everyone, regardless of religion or belief.
License information
That’s Humanism! is available for download under a Creative Commons license. It is available to download for personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used to produce derivative works.