The Little Book of Humanism
by Alice Roberts and Andrew Copson
The Little Book of Humanism shares over two thousand years of humanist wisdom through an uplifting collection of illustrations, stories, quotes, and meditations on how to live an ethical and fulfilling life, grounded in reason and humanity. The book quotes everyone from ancient philosophers like Epicurus and Mencius, through to contemporary humanist sources of inspiration such as Frozen and The Good Place actor Kristen Bell, the novelists Zadie Smith and Margaret Atwood, and the playwright and poet Wole Soyinka.
It examines how humanity came to be, our unique place in the world, and why humanists reject religious explanations, before offering reflections on how to be good, how to live well, how to think clearly, and how to deal with loss. It’s an approachable, uplifting guide to finding happiness and leading a fulfilling life through the wisdom of famous humanists from the past and present.
Gorgeous and full of wise quotes and stories that we would all do well to heed in today’s crazy world – Jim Al-Khalili
This beautiful little book is, well, beautiful. The perfect antidote to a great deal of nonsense – Shappi Khorsandi
A wonderful source of wisdom and calm – Frank Turner