Why you should join Humanists UK
People from all across the country have joined Humanists UK to back a vision of a tolerant world where rational thinking and kindness prevail.
By joining Humanists UK, members help to take a stand for reason, fairness, and equality, by championing ideas for the one life we have.
“We’re growing all the time, a positive movement for social change. If you’re not already a member, please join us.”
Alice Roberts
President of Humanists UK
Who we are
At Humanists UK, we support lasting change for a better society, championing ideas for the one life we have.
We work to create a tolerant world where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We campaign on behalf of the non-religious and in support of human rights and equality in the UK and internationally. We campaign to see the UK as a secular state with no religious privilege and no discrimination based on religion or belief.
We promote a rational approach to public ethical issues in order to contribute to a public life where decisions are made on evidence and empathy rather, than on the interests of a select few. And we provide important services to the non-religious, like funerals, pastoral support in hospitals, and peer support for people fleeing high-control religions and cults.
“I joined Humanists UK because they’re fighting for a better world, bringing non-religious people together, and championing understanding and respect.”
Ste Richardsson
Member and volunteer
Why is your membership important?
Joining Humanists UK is about expressing your approach to life and supporting us in our work. Every member of Humanists UK adds to our clout as a positive force for a better society.
We are entirely dependent on the generous gifts of our members for our much-needed campaigning, and for giving us the growing constituency of support that really counts in our lobbying