What do humanists think about death? | Young Humanists
For the vast majority of human history, it has been assumed that there is an afterlife, and many people – religious or no – believe this today. This belief can heavily influence feelings about death, morality, and how a person chooses to live their own life. It can also be incredibly intertwined with one’s culture.
As humanists, we don’t live our lives assuming an afterlife exists. We try our best to live happily and ethically because this is the one life we have, and we shouldn’t waste it. That being said, many of us grew up being taught that when we die, our souls carry on in some form. So have our thoughts on death changed as our beliefs have?
Was the realisation that when we die we will no longer see our loved ones again a difficult thought to process? Does it still bring sadness? Or did you learn to see the value of having only one life and are happier for it? For those who grew up in religious households, did the realisation that there is no chance of punishment in death give you relief? How do we talk to children about death?
Please join us for a respectful and open discussion. We will be joined by a Humanist Ceremonies celebrant and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask your own questions.
Spaces are limited and registration is essential. To reserve a space for you and your household, please book now. We will be using Zoom and a link will be emailed to you ahead of the event.
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