Welsh Assembly Government Minister speaks at BHA conference

18 February, 2009

The BHA ran the final conference in a series of four organised by the BHA with funding from the EHRC, which aimed to explore ‘religion or belief’ and equalities and human rights.

The event held in Cardiff was a great success, with the keynote speech delivered by Dr Brian Gibbons who is the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government. Dr Neil Wooding, Commissioner for Wales at the Equality and Human Rights Commission opened the day with a speech about the commission. The day concluded with a panel of experts debating and taking questions on the subject of ‘conflicting’ human rights.

Members of the audience of fifty people, who work in the equalities and public sector, described the conference as “very thought provoking” and a “very interesting day addressing a subject that needs much discussion.”


For more information contact Pepper Harow on 020 7462 4992

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigning for an end to religious privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief.