Stop the expansion of religious discrimination in schools

Help us take urgent action to oppose a reckless plan by the UK Government to maximise religious discrimination in schools in England.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has announced that, after 17 years of lobbying by the Catholic Church, the UK Government will scrap the ‘50% rule’ that aimed to reduce discrimination against children by faith schools.

This comes at a time when the vast majority of young families are non-religious, and when research is piling up that outlines how harmful religious admissions policies are to social mobility and the social fabric of our communities.

Write to your MP

As well as allowing discrimination in up to 100% of state school places, the policy change has come with an announcement that, for the first time, religious groups will be allowed to run special needs schools, depriving children with special educational needs or disabilities of their right to a balanced education free from religious bias. Please, will you help us by writing to your MP today?

Personalise your impact

Personalising your message can have a profound impact. Share your convictions; tell them why this matters to you you. It’s these personal touches that get noticed.

Stay connected

After contacting your MP, let us know at if they get back to you and we can send you further guidance!