Government publishes latest groups to have applied to set up Free Schools

27 June, 2014

Following on from a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by the British Humanist Association (BHA), the UK Department for Education (DfE) has today published the names of groups that applied to set up Free Schools as part of the sixth wave of applications (i.e. applying this January to open from September 2015). 27 of the 104 applications to establish new English schools were from religious groups, as were 5 of the 38 that were ‘pre-approved’ (i.e. backed by the DfE to open). The BHA is continuing to push for more transparency around the Free Schools application process.

In total there were 13 Christian applications (four of which were pre-approved), seven Islamic applications, four Sikh applications (with one pre-approved), two Steiner applications and one multi-faith application.

The names of those proposals that were ‘pre-approved’ was announced last week. The BHA has been pushing for some time to get the DfE to identify the names, locations and religions of applicants prior to it making decisions as to which to back to open in line with the transparent approach system in place prior to the Free Schools system. In January 2013 the Information Tribunal ordered the DfE to start doing this and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has reiterated that ruling twice since, rejecting the DfE’s varied attempts to rely on different exemptions from the Freedom of Information Act in order to refuse disclosure.

However the DfE is continuing to reject requests to release the relevant information in a timely manner; last week it rejected the BHA’s FOI requests asking for the information with respect to the sixth and seventh waves of Free School proposals. The sixth wave information is being withheld based on exactly the same claimed exemption that the ICO told the DfE last month that it could not rely on with respect to the fifth wave, whereas the seventh wave information is being withheld based on the same claimed exemption that the Tribunal told it that it could not rely on in 2013.

BHA Faith Schools Campaigner Richy Thompson commented, ‘The fact that the public is not able to know who has applied to set up Free Schools until after the Government announces which it is backing to open represents a serious democratic deficit and the DfE’s repeated attempts to avoid having to change its policy on this are increasingly farcical. We will continue to pursue this matter.

‘More generally we are concerned to see more religious Free Schools being set up – schools that can discriminate against parents, pupils and staff on the basis of religion. In our increasingly diverse society it is vital that every school is fully inclusive of all, regardless of individuals’ religion or beliefs. It is only if each school reflects our society that we can ensure our country is harmonious, tolerant and cohesive.’


For further comment or information, please contact Richy Thompson on 020 7324 3072.

See who the latest proposers are:

Read the BHA’s comment when the sixth-wave proposals were pre-approved:

Read the BHA’s comment on the last ICO decision:

Read more about the BHA’s campaigns work on ‘faith’ schools:

View the BHA’s table of types of school with a religious character:

The British Humanist Association is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people who seek to live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity. It promotes a secular state and equal treatment in law and policy of everyone, regardless of religion or belief.