Building humanist community |  Isle of Wight Humanists

 Registration is closed for this event
August 20th, 2024 18:30   --   20:00

Join us to share ideas and help shape the future of the humanist community on the Isle of Wight!

Isle of Wight Humanists is relaunching, and we want you to be a part of it. These meetings are a chance to come together as a team and brainstorm new ideas, projects, and events that will bring excitement and enthusiasm back to our activities on the island.

There will be Zoom meetings on:

These meetings - led by the Local Group Volunteer Coordinator for Humanists UK, Wayne Mills - will set the scene for our first in-person community meetings, coming soon. This will be an online open forum, to discuss people's goals, ideas, and expectations for the humanist community on the Isle of Wight.

The relaunched and revitalised Isle of Wight Humanists will build on the years of dedicated community activity, and everything achieved by the previous committee, while providing an opportunity for new volunteers to shape its future.

We really hope you can join us and help build the community you want to see!