The challenge of conversations in Limboland | NRPSN

 Registration is closed for this event
09 October 2024, 12:30 -- 14:00

An exploration of how to be alongside people who are waiting for whatever is going to happen to them next, a test result, a visit, a decision, a bed… It takes courage for us to recognise their powerlessness, the precariousness of their circumstances, their vulnerability. Recognising and naming this Limboland experience, but carrying no clinical or logistical responsibility for it, allows us to engage in conversations about its emotional and spiritual impact.

Jo Mutlow draws on her practical and insightful book Being There: Responses in Humanist Pastoral Care, and her experience of pastoral care in the acute setting at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, to focus on the particular experience of being between certainties. The disorientating difficulty of being in that place, and the approaches we might take in our encounters with people in this Limboland. As Humanist Pastoral Carer, Jo podcasts with Rev. Stig Graham on Opening Up Chaplaincy which aims to enrich the debate about Chaplaincy, modeling cross-belief dialogue, inviting guests to inspire listeners with their perspectives and insights.

Open to NRPSN members and the public alike, we welcome anyone interested in learning more.

Event Fee

General public £10.00
NRPSN member £0.00

