BHA welcome faith schools debate in Welsh Labour leadership election

13 November, 2009

The BHA has welcomed comments from Welsh Labour leadership candidate Edwina Hart, who said that Welsh faith schools should be allowed to “wither on the vine” at a recent Party hustings.

BHA Director of Education and Public Affairs, Andrew Copson, said ‘The BHA campaigns for an end to the proliferation of faith schools, and that they should ultimately be absorbed back into the secular schools sector, becoming inclusive community schools. Edwina Hart’s comments are a welcome contribution to the public debate about faith schools.’


For further comment or information contact Andrew Copson on 020 7079 3584.

A 2005 ICM/ Guardian survey found that 64% of people opposed government funding for faith schools, fearing their impact on social cohesion.

The British Humanist Association is the national charity representing and supporting the interests of ethically concerned, non-religious people in the UK. It is the largest organisation in the UK campaigning for an end to religious privilege and to discrimination based on religion or belief, and for a secular state.