Jesus Never Existed: an introduction to the ultimate heresy | Chichester Humanists (Online)
Why is a hardcore atheist drawn with such passion and commitment to Jesus studies? Ken Humphreys' answer is unequivocal:
'Jesus is a myth, a syncretic creation from antiquity. But Christianity is very real, and has a history which is both fascinating and terrible. Christianity isn't really about Jesus but about humanity, its follies and its fantasies, its capacity to deceive and be deceived. Above all, it is about an institutionalised ideology which has had, and continues to have, a criminal and corrosive effect on humanity. That is more than enough reason to study it closely.'
Ken launched his internationally renowned website in December 2001. Since then, the site has received more than eight million visitors. In December 2005, a companion book Jesus Never Existed was published and has been exported to more than 30 countries, republished as an abridged edition in India in 2007, and translated into Korean in 2013.
In December 2011 Ken began to make available material on the jesusneverexistd [sic] YouTube channel, which has attracted around 20,000 subscribers and more than five million views. In November 2014, Jesus Never Existed: An Introduction to the Ultimate Heresy was published in the USA.
Ken has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, has debated many Christian apologists, and was a contributing scholar in the documentary Caesar's Messiah and was the guest speaker at the International Mythicist Conference in Athens in May 2016.