In Conversation: Zion Lights and Andrew Copson | Exeter Humanists

 Registration is closed for this event
October 12th, 2023 19:00   --   21:00

We have two fantastic guests, for what promises to be a thought provoking evening of conversation, with two of the country's best known humanists.

Zion Lights is a British author and activist known for her environmental work and science communication. Zion is a passionate science advocate and writer who wants to change the world for the better. Zion is the author of the evidence-based book The Ultimate Guide to Green Parenting, the nature poetry book Only a Moment, and has contributed to humanitarian Rob Greenfield's Zero Waste Kids.

​A review of The Ultimate Guide by Gurgle magazine reads: "Zion Lights has turned the cliched hippy dippy image of green mama mantras on its head and instead rammed her brilliant book with heaps of common sense and evidence-based facts". Zion has been called “Britain’s greenest mother” by The Daily Telegraph and “an eco-pragmatist, happily heavy on science” by The Guardian.

Andrew Copson is Chief Executive of Humanists UK, and President of Humanists International. He has interviewed many leading humanists about their beliefs in the podcast series What I Believe, and other leading thinkers in the In Conversation With YouTube series.

We are pleased to present a chance to hear these two in conversation, with a chance to put your own questions to them.


The Forum - Alumni Auditorium Lecture Theatre
Exeter University Streatham Campus
Exeter, EX4 4PZ

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