Apostate Social | York

September 24th, 2023 15:00   --   18:00

If you've left a high control religious group and you'd like to meet others who have too, then join us in York at a nice pub in the town centre on Sunday, 24 September at 15:00. An area has been reserved.

You will be hosted by our volunteers; Mandy and Adam. Mandy left an Evangelical Brethren church when she was 25, and Adam has been a supporter of those who leave religious groups for many years. So they understand what it's like to lose your whole support system and are keen to set up a social group so people can feel connected and make friends.

This is a great opportunity to meet others who share experiences and to make friends over a couple of drinks and a packet of crisps.

Email info@faithtofaithless.com for the pub name and address. We can also put you in touch with the volunteers so you know who to look out for when you arrive.