For free downloadable resources, including lesson plans, classroom activities, presentations, videos, and humanist perspectives on a range of topics discussed in school, visit our website Understanding Humanism.
On the website, teachers can also find guidance and information about forthcoming CPD opportunities.
You can also request a visit from a free humanist school speaker by clicking here.
For more on the history of humanism, check out our Humanist Heritage website.
We also have two free online courses to develop your subject knowledge.
For recommended books on humanism, click here.
‘Life is like a piece of string. It has a beginning and an end. We don’t get much say about that. But we can make choices about the bit in between. We have the freedom to shape our own lives.’
Alice Roberts narrates this short animation about the humanist approach to life and the importance humanists place on freedom, responsibility, and connections.
Assemblies for All
Assemblies for All is a website designed to provide access to high quality, inclusive assemblies for schools across the UK so that every student can experience assemblies which are educational, enjoyable, and appropriate for young people from all backgrounds.
Assemblies for All features hundreds of assemblies made by education professionals from charities like Amnesty, Oxfam and Unicef, to organisations such as the UK Parliament and the BBC. Every assembly is organised by theme, key stage, organisation, and, for many of them, by a corresponding event in the calendar. The calendar contains notable dates across the year so that assemblies can be held to mark important events such as International Women’s Day, World Environment Day, and Martin Luther King Jr Day. If you’d like to let us know about an assembly that you’ve used and would recommend for inclusion on the Assemblies for All website, please use this form to send your suggestion.
Free online course: Humanist lives
What does it mean to lead a humanist life? Find out by meeting humanists from around the world and hearing their stories on our online course ‘Humanist lives’.
Today an increasing number of people around the world describe themselves as humanist. They believe that this is the only life we have, that the world is a natural place with no supernatural side, and that we have the freedom to shape our own lives.
On this course, presented by Humanists UK President Professor Alice Roberts, you’ll meet individual humanists from around the world. From their stories, you’ll learn what motivates them, and how they express their humanism. You’ll learn about the questions, choices, challenges, and joys found in a humanist approach to life and have the opportunity to reflect on and evaluate it.
The course launched in June 2019.