
I am not afraid of death or when I am going to die, just how I am going to die. My life is finite. I will have to die sometime, probably not of my choosing. If I had a life threatening and debilitating illness, I would like the choice of when and how. Bring on ‘Assisted Dying’!

I have thought of and accepted my death for a long time – as a teenager, in adulthood and now, my senior years. There have been difficult times when I thought I would end my life. In those dark times I dwelt on who I was and why living seemed unbearable. I knew I would not have any regrets if I did die but realised this would have a huge impact on those closest to me. Somehow, I found positive thoughts: recognising the love around me, difficulties I had overcome, and that life can be exciting.

Life is for living, through good and bad. We all have different experiences of what are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ times. My bad times have not been terrible, although they felt it at the time. I have been fortunate, with my upbringing and education. I learned I must take responsibility for my life as far as I can, to ask for help or accept love and support from other people, even from strangers, as little acts of kindness can make a huge impact.

I accept my death will happen as I am human. So, I want to live my one life being kind, respecting others and making the most of what I have. Experiencing each day, good or bad, offers new opportunities to learn, enjoy simple pleasures and to make a positive difference in this world. My death will be the end of a simple life.