Our website Assemblies for All provides high-quality, inclusive assemblies for schools across the UK so that every student can experience assemblies which are educational, enjoyable, and appropriate for young people from all backgrounds.

Unlike many existing websites, which offer assemblies which are frequently of a faith-based or Christian nature, Assemblies for All prioritises assemblies that are not acts of collective worship and which do not seek to promote one particular religion or belief. The assemblies are inclusive and accessible for all schools, teachers, and pupils, regardless of their religion or belief background.

Assemblies for All features hundreds of interactive, meaningful assemblies made by education professionals from charities like Amnesty, Oxfam and Unicef, to organisations such as the UK Parliament and the BBC. Every assembly is organised by theme, key stage, organisation, and, for many of them, by a corresponding event in the calendar. The calendar contains notable dates across the year so that assemblies can be held to mark important events such as International Women’s Day, World Environment Day, and Martin Luther King Jr Day.

Explore our growing collection of inclusive assemblies.


Recommend an assembly

A wide range of assemblies is already available via Assemblies for All. But there may be many other suitable assemblies created by existing or new providers that are not yet included.

If you’re a teacher who would like to suggest an assembly that you’ve used and would recommend, or if you work for an organisation that provides assemblies and would like Assemblies for All to link to them, you can use this form to make your recommendations.

If you have any questions, or if you’re a provider who is updating an assembly that Assemblies for All already links to, you can contact info@assembliesforall.org.uk and we’ll be happy to feature your updated resource.