Celebrant Feedback

Thank you for asking one of Humanists UK’s celebrants to conduct your humanist ceremony. We are always keen to keep improving the quality of our service. If you can spare a few moments, please:

  • Give us your comments
  • Tell us how you heard about us
  • Tell us if you’d like a year’s free introductory membership of Humanists UK

Your Ceremony

What kind of ceremony did you have?

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When did it take place?
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Where did it take place?
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Who was the celebrant?
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Your experience

The ceremony met my expectations
(1 = Not at all, 5 = Completely)

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The celebrant did their job well
(1 = Not at all, 5 = Completely)

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Any other comments?
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Why did you choose a humanist ceremony?

Please tick all that apply:

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If you ticked ‘Other’ – please state below
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If you ticked ‘Read an article in the press about them’ – please state the title below if you remember it
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If you ticked ‘Saw an advertisment about them’, please state where, if possible
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How did you find your celebrant?

Please tick all that apply:

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If you answered ‘Other’ – please state below
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If you answered ‘Via a search engine’, do you remember what you searched for?
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Your information

Are you already a member of Humanists UK?

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If not, would you like to receive a year’s free membership of Humanists UK?
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Your name
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Your address
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Your email address
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I am happy for my comments to be seen by the celebrant
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I give my permission for my anonymised comments to be used in marketing
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