Take abortion out of the British criminal code

The US decision to overturn Roe v Wade has shown how fragile our basic human rights can be.
We want to take this opportunity to protect legal abortions in the UK for all time by taking abortion out of the criminal code, where it sits now, and establish that the right of a woman to control her body is a basic human right that should be recognised explicitly in law.
This is already the case in the law of Northern Ireland since 2020, and we want to make sure that it’s the case across the UK as a whole. Will you sign our petition today?
Since 1967, the Abortion Act has given permission for doctors to provide an abortion if two clinicians decide that the pregnancy is more detrimental to the person’s physical or mental health than what would be caused by a termination. However many people don’t realise that, outside of these conditions, abortion remains a crime in the UK. This is far more restrictive than most European countries, where abortion is available on request, meaning it is the women themselves, not doctors, who have the final say on whether the pregnancy continues. There’s no medical reason for the ‘two doctors’ requirement.
Since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967, there have been over 50 attempts in Parliament to restrict abortion – and with the overturning of Roe v Wade in the US, there are likely to be more.
Sign the petition and tell the Secretary of State for Justice and the Health Secretary:
Abortion shouldn’t be a crime. It’s a human right and basic healthcare.
What has happened in America with the overturning of Roe v Wade is the shame of the democratic world. We must never risk the UK following down the same slippery slope of injustice.
We demand that abortion be removed from the criminal code and that women in this country have the right to decide what to do with their bodies.
Help us make sure that bodily autonomy is enshrined in law across the UK. Sign this petition today.
Thanks for adding your name. Now, will you help fuel the campaign for a fairer, more tolerant UK?
Our movement is standing up for human rights, justice, and equality – and together we’re changing the law on key issues such as abortion and LGBT rights. Will you help power our campaigns by becoming a member today?
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Every one of our campaigns, from to decriminalising abortion to advocating on behalf of the non-religious, is fuelled by people like you. If you believe in a fairer, more tolerant UK, will you help build it by making a one-off donation today?
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It will take all of us standing together to build a tolerant society that reflects our values. Will you share now, so others can sign too?
Before you go – read 2,000 years of humanist wisdom in this fascinating book.
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