Non-religious veterans are underserved and overlooked, Humanists UK tells Government

8 January, 2024

In response to a consultation to help shape the future of veterans policy, Humanists UK has raised concerns to the Office for Veterans’ Affairs about support available to non-religious veterans. Humanists UK highlighted how non-religious veterans are underserved pastoral care and overlooked by national Remembrance ceremonies

What the research says

The latest UK armed forces demographics show 38% of regular forces declare that they have no religion. This has risen over the last decade, from 15% in 2012 (reflecting trends in wider society, in which around 70% of young people now identify as non-religious). Humanists UK highlighted that this indicates that the veteran population is becoming increasingly non-religious and that this must be considered in policy development.

Non-religious pastoral care

Humanists UK drew attention to the needs for non-religious veterans to have access to like minded pastoral care on equal footing with their religious counterparts. In particular, NHS Trusts need to implement and embed the new guidelines that make clear that hospitals should make equitable and inclusive provision for non-religious pastoral care alongside religious chaplaincy. Humanists UK also highlighted that non-religious veterans are disadvantaged by unequal outcomes in relation to mental health, rehabilitation and parole prospects when they are in the criminal justice system with little or no access to the like-minded pastoral support that religious prisoners can access. Notably, offering non-religious prisoners support from a religious chaplain is insufficient to support equal outcomes because the non-religious are unlikely to accept the support of religious chaplaincy in lieu of non-religious pastoral support.

Remembrance ‘predominantly Christian’

Humanists UK is dismayed that the non-religious were excluded entirely from some of the questions about religion and belief. These questions related to whether veterans from particular communities faced stigma, or if their contributions were adequately recognised. The exclusion of those holding non-religious beliefs from these questions entirely implies that the non-religious are overlooked in these two areas, perpetuating the lack of recognition and the stigma that is being asked about. This is particularly pertinent because, while some Remembrance ceremonies demonstrate some openness towards inclusion, this is often as a minority part of mostly Christian ceremonies. For example, as national Remembrance services held in Westminster, Cardiff and Belfast continue to hold Remembrance services that are in fact an act of Christian worship, making it difficult for the non-religious to engage in any meaningful way.

Director of Humanist Care Clare Elcombe Webber commented:

‘While we’re pleased to see the Office for Veterans’ Affairs opening this consultation, we are incredibly disappointed to see the non-religious excluded from some of the questions that have only been asked of religious communities. This exclusion is played out every year when non-religious veterans feel unable to fully participate in Remembrance ceremonies, where their contributions should be recognised alongside and on par with their religious colleagues.

‘The non-religious veteran population is continuing to grow. It is so important that their specific needs are considered by policy makers. This includes increasing non-religious pastoral care available in hospitals and in prisons to meet the growing demand from veterans in healthcare settings and in the criminal justice system. Last year, we saw some steps in the right direction with the publication of new NHS guidelines and formation of the new Chaplaincy Faith and Belief Forum in prisons. However, we will continue campaigning until equal access to religious and non-religious pastoral support is secured.’


For further comment or information, media should contact Humanists UK Director of Public Affairs and Policy Kathy Riddick at or phone 020 3675 0959.

Read more about our work on inclusive Remembrance ceremonies.

Read more about our work campaigning for equal access to pastoral care and chaplaincy

Read our statement from when the overall Census religion results were released.

Read more about Defence Humanists.

Read more about the support provided by the Non-Religious Pastoral Support Network

Humanists UK is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. Powered by over 120,000 members and supporters, we advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies, pastoral care, education, and support services benefitting over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanist thinking on ethical issues, human rights, and equal treatment for all.