A humanist naming ceremony is a non-religious celebration for welcoming a child into the family and giving them their name. It’s the perfect alternative to a christening or baptism for families who aren’t religious. Naming ceremony readings and poems are a great way to add fun and sentimental moments to the occasion.

Naming Ceremony Poems and Readings
Families often choose to include the reading of a favourite poem at a naming ceremony. This is in addition to the naming ceremony itself, parental promises, and promises from ‘guide parents’. Naming ceremony readings are a great way to bring a touch of humour, emotion or class to the event.
Don’t have a favourite poem, but would like a poetry reading at your child’s naming ceremony?
Just ask!
Our celebrants have a wealth of poems for you to choose from. They can help you find something that is entirely appropriate and meaningful to you and your family.
Here are some of our celebrants’ favourite naming ceremony poems:
These poems have been recommended by some of our trained naming ceremony celebrants as great choices for this special occasion.
‘Follow Your Dreams’ by Jim Boswell
When others say “It’s hopeless and it really can’t be done.”
When they tell you “It’s all over. It’s a race that can’t be won.”
And they promise “You could spend your life just lying in the sun.”
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
When the people you admire, but who wouldn’t understand,
Tell you “Other roads are safer. Your dreams are much too grand.”
Or the doubters and the tempters try to take you by the hand.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
You should listen to the counsel of the people that you trust.
But don’t be turned aside just because they might get fussed
You live the life that in your heart you know you really must.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
There is nothing you can’t conquer if you believe you can.
No mountains you can’t straddle, no oceans you can’t span.
Just conjure up a vision and set yourself a plan.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
‘Wishes for a Child’ by Joanna Miller
May you know the gift of friendship
Feel the sun upon your face
May you win displaying dignity
And accept defeat with grace
May you marvel at the wonders
Of nature and the earth
May you value education
And know your own true worth
May you live and love with honesty
And do the thing that’s right
May you stand up for the helpless
And sleep in peace at night
May you thrive upon a challenge
And sing and dance and laugh
May you know the joy of parenthood
And follow your own path.
‘Welcome’ (Anon)
Welcome to sunlight
Welcome to the soft rain on your face
Welcome to the rush of the wind
Welcome to the hush of the sea
Welcome to much joy and a little sorrow
Welcome to birdsong
Welcome to music and laughter
Welcome to the leaves on the tree
Welcome to the miracle of words
Welcome to the whispering of rivers
Welcome to dreaming
Welcome to everything you can see and name
Welcome to your mother’s care
Welcome to your father’s smile
Welcome to the love of all here
Welcome to the world.
A poem for adopted children or stepchildren
Celebrant Kate Harrison shared this lovely poem that is popular for naming ceremonies for adopted children.
‘Not flesh of my flesh’ by Fleur Conkling Heyliger
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn’t grow under my heart,
But in it.
We’ve chosen our naming ceremony poem, what next?
Your celebrant will be able to discuss lots of ideas with you about how to involve friends, family, and other children in the day. This could be through a special moment such as a tree-planting, lighting a unity candle, or a sand-blending ritual.
If you’ve never seen a humanist naming ceremony, our short video will give you some ideas of what you can include.
We’ve also got some great blog posts full of tips and ideas:
- Naming ceremony ideas
- What happens at a naming ceremony
- What is a guideparent and what is their role?
Book your celebrant
If you’d like to discuss a naming ceremony with a local humanist celebrant, you can find one via our online map. Arrange a conversation to discuss dates, styles and what you’d like for your child’s welcome ceremony.